Lumineq turns vehicle windows into interactive display
NCS Systems NV

Lumineq turns vehicle windows into interactive display

LUMINEQ in-glass laminated displays empower vehicle manufacturers to utilize all the windows by turning those idle surfaces into information displays and touch screens.



This article is a summary of a webinar, hosted by LUMINEQ, about turning vehicle windows into interactive displays. The following take aways from the webinar were:

CASE vehicles with transparent and in-glass displays
LUMINEQ transparent display technology
Lamination process
Transparent display options and demos

CASE vehicles with transparent and in-glass displays

LUMINEQ in-glass laminated displays empower vehicle manufacturers to utilize all the windows by turning those idle surfaces into information displays and touch screens. This innovation helps OEMs to make safer vehicles with new features and to be more prepared for the era of CASE – connected, autonomous, shared, electric vehicles. 

Connected vehicles

A connected car has its own connection to the internet, usually via a wireless local area network (WLAN) that allows the car to share internet access and data with other devices inside and outside the car. Connected cars as part of the “internet of things” offer a wide range of benefits.

A connected car adds comforts due to its access to internet services like maps and entertainment, and its capability of remote climate control. More importantly it offers great deal of safety features when properly utilized. It can provide information like weather, traffic, road conditions, accidents on route, speed limit information. 

In-glass displays enable vehicles to communicate this information with other road users via the windshields or rear windows.

Autonomous vehicles

Signaling intent is important to ensure safety in the era of autonomous vehicles. Pedestrians need to know whether they have been noticed and if it is safe to cross the road. The autonomous vehicle user doesn’t drive, so it is crucial to get notified if something unexpected happened, which requires him to take actions. A warning message flashing on the windshield in the line of sight of the driver would work in this case.

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